AmtrakAmtrak Tips

Can You Shower On Amtrak?


One of the most popular questions we get about train travels is, can you shower on Amtrak? This question is very important if you are planning a long haul train trip.

Can Coach Passengers Shower On Amtrak?

Coach class passengers can not shower on Amtrak but there are other options. We knew we would not have access to showers for our trip on the Sunset Limited from New Orleans to Tuscon, Arizona. This trip included one overnight on the train. You will want to freshen up the next morning.

Most bathrooms in Coach class are small but search for the accessible restroom for more space. These body wipes are great for travel to freshen up when a shower is not available. Be sure to dispose of these in the trash, do not attempt to flush any foreign objects down the toilet.

The accessible bathroom sink area is similar to the regular restroom. You will not have a lot of counter space, you will wan a hanging bag with your toiletries. Don’t forget to pack a small towel or washcloth to dry off or you can use paper towels provided. If you would like to change clothes, you will have plenty of space in this bathroom.

can you shower on amtrak
Superliner Accessible Bedroom Without Shower

Are There Accessible Showers On Amtrak?

There are accessible showers available to sleeper car passengers. The accessibility will vary depending on the train you are on. If you are in a Viewliner II train car, you will have access to an accessible shower inside your Accessible Bedroom. Viewliner I and Superliner train cars do not have accessible showers inside the rooms. You will find accessible accommodations in the regular showers in your train car. If you are in a regular room, not accessible, you will be using the regular showers, only available on the lower level.

Viewliner II Accessible Room Shower

Are There Showers Inside Sleeper Car Rooms?

There are showers inside some sleeper car rooms. These are the regular bedrooms. They are no showers in the family bedrooms. As mentioned above, Accessible bedrooms on the Viewliner II are the only Accessible bedrooms with showers in them. All other sleeper car passengers will share a shower. In Superliners you will find the shower on the lower level only, Viewliners will have a shower at the end of the hall.

can you shower on amtrak
Bedroom shower/bathroom combo

Showers For Sleeper Car Passengers

One of the great perks of a sleeper car accommodation is the access to the showers. It may not seem like a big deal but if you are on a long haul trip, this will be a great thing. Only sleeper car passengers have access to the showers. They are located in the sleeper cars on the lower level in Superliner train cars on down the hall on the Viewliner train cars. Amtrak provides a few items for you and the room attendant keeps the shower clean. But we can all do our part by cleaning up after ourselves when using it.

Amtrak Sleeper Car Shower
Amtrak Sleeper Car Shower – Shared

What Does Amtrak Provide For Showers?

Amtrak provides sleeper car passengers with several amenities for a better shower experience. You will find a hand towel and a washcloth in your room. Towels can be found in the shower stall, sometimes attendants place them outside the shower on the luggage rack. If you are in a bedroom, which has a shower, the towels will be in your room. Amtrak also provides a hotel style bar of soap in the showers. These are one use, so don’t worry about germs. You will need to provide everything else for your shower. If you plan to wash your hair, be sure to bring your own hair dryer.

Shower Etiquette On Amtrak

Since most of the showers on Amtrak are shared with other passengers, let’s discuss etiquette. Take stock of the shower when you walk in. Do you have everything you need? Sometimes clean towels are not kept inside the shower, some attendants place them near the luggage rack. Be sure you have your toiletries with you to avoid having to leave to get them. A train shower is not the time for a luxurious spa shower. You will need to keep others in mind when showering on the train, there may be others waiting to shower too. And you will not want to use up all the hot water. Be sure to clean up after yourself before walking out as well as taking all your items with you. If you take the last towel or you use the last soap bar, be sure to alert the attendant to refill.

What To Pack For Showering On Amtrak?

You do not need to pack a towel, as Amtrak provides them for you. Amtrak also provides a hotel style bar of soap. Be sure to bring rubber soled flip flops to shower with. You will also need to pack a hair dryer and curling or flat iron. I try not to wash my hair on the train as drying takes some time and can hold up the shower line. Our toiletry bags have a hook on them to make it easy to hang in the shower, you will find a hook on the door. Use the built in hand bars when showering on the moving train. A helpful tip, if you have balance issues, plan to shower on a fresh air break when the train is stationary. One last helpful hint, lay your hand towel on the floor so you have a somewhere to stand other than the bare floor when you get out.

Allie Marmion
Allie is married to Rob and has been traveling with him across the world for the last two years. She is an accomplished personal trainer, speaker and author.