
$50 Date Night In Bucharest, Romania: We Had A Blast

$50 Date night in Bucharest, Romania
Romanian Athenaeum

$50 date night in Bucharest, Romania was a blast. We started doing $50 date nights in each country we visit. Our first one, in Bangkok, was a lot of fun. It was nice that everything was so inexpensive. We were able to do a lot. When we set out for our $50 date night in Bucharest, Romania we were not sure how much we would be able to do.

Bus Tour

Our $50 date night in Bucharest, Romania begins with a bus tour around the city. This is the hop on hop off bus we rode earlier in our trip. We walked over to the bus stop across from the National Museum of Romanian History. It is a lovely ride around the city on a double decker bus. This is not only a great way to see the city but also a great time to admire the eclectic architecture. We hopped off the bus near Revolution Square for our next stop on our $50 date night in Bucharest, Romania.

Mara Mura

This quaint little shop made our list of top dessert spots in the city. We came back for another tea party. The peach mango green tea and delightful desserts were a real treat. It was certainly worth coming back for more of this sweet shop. From here, we walked across the street to grab some dinner.

$50 Date Night in Bucharest, Romania
Mara Mura


This fabulous dessert spot also has an extensive menu. After the tea party we thought we would split the burger entrée. The burger is cut in half and grilled on it’s side. This fantastic burger is served with fresh cut fries and the burger toppings served on the side. It was one of the best burgers we’ve had in a while.

$50 Date Night in Bucharest, Romania
The best burger in Bucharest

French Revolution

Just when you thought we couldn’t eat anymore, we decided to stop in and enjoy one of the best eclairs in the city!! This éclair shop serves up to 16 different flavors of these delicious treats. We chose orange, caramel and Chantilly. Since we have had so much to eat, we saved these for later in the evening.

French Revolution
Enjoying my eclair from French Revolution

Walk Through Old Town

From French Revolution we decided to walk back to Old Town to work off some of the delights we had consumed. Old Town is a great place to take a leisurely stroll. Although there are many places to eat in Old Town we had already had our fill for the night. On our walk we came across an old church which was also a monastery. We decided to walk in and take in the fresco paintings and preserved artifacts in this old structure.

We continued our stroll through Old Town while people watching. By this time of the evening there were several street performers out, we stopped a few times to take in the performances. Once it was late enough we headed over to Unirii Square.

Unirii Square
Unirii Square Water Fountain Show

Fountain Show

On the weekends, from June to October, you can take in the water fountain show on Unirii Square. This multimedia show is about 30 min long. It’s nice that the road around the fountain is closed so you can freely walk between the fountains and truly take in all the sights and sounds of this incredible show.

$50 Date Night In Bucharest, Romania

We ended up doing very well on our date night in this Eastern European capital city. We had tea and treats, dinner, dessert, entertainment and transportation for about $49USD. I think it was a successful $50 date night in Bucharest, Romania. We spent about the same amount as we did in Bangkok but we had to get a little more creative on the entertainment choices. I would say we both had a great time. Can’t wait for the next adventure.

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Allie Marmion
Allie is married to Rob and has been traveling with him across the world for the last two years. She is an accomplished personal trainer, speaker and author.